| - n. 讨厌的工作、 日子、 考试. a pig of a job, day, exam
- v. 让我来谈两三点意见仅供参考. Let me float a couple of ideas
- v. 让我考虑一下. Let me think a moment, ie Give me time to think before I answer
- 训练, 教练(某人); 考验某人的专业知识与能力 put sb.through his facings
- 讯息参考块 block, message reference
- vt. 证明, 证实, 验证, 检定, 试验, 考验, 勘探, 钻探, 探明, 证, 验算, 试印, 把...印成校样, 检验 prove
- n. 评分监督(统一各主考人评分标准者). person who makes sure that the same standards areused by different examiners when marking an examination
- n. 评定他的表现时, 不必考虑他的年龄. When judging his performance, don't take his age into account
- v. 评定(应考者)不及格 is unsuccessful
- n. 评论, 考据, 第二次骤退, 评价, 病案讨论 epicrisis
- v. 试, 尝试, 试图, 努力, 试验, 磨难, 考验, 审问 try
- adj. 试验过的, 经过考验的, 可靠的, 受磨炼的, 经历艰辛的, 经过试验的, 值得信赖的 tried
- 该书提出了许多重要问题(值得考虑). The book raises many important issues (for our consideration)
- vt. 详细调查, 仔细讨论, 详细检查, 考查, 兜售, 游说, 拉票, 彻底检查, 细究, 向...拉票或拉生意, 讨论 canvass
- vt. 误解, 作不妥善的考虑, 构思不当, 误会 misconceive
- n. 诱惑, 引诱, 魔道, 考验, 勾引, 诱惑物, 迷人之物 temptation