| - n. 对我的申请, 我还没收到回信. I didn't receive an acknowledgement of my application
- 对某事不热心[没有兴趣] feel no enthusiasm for
- 对某事不热心[没有兴趣] feel no enthusiasm about
- 对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权 have no say in sth.
- 对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权 have a say in sth.
- 对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权 have not much say in sth.
- n. 对某事物没有实际经验的 1之插图, page xvi. adj [attrib 作定语] without having or providing practical experience of sth
- 对某事物没有实际经验的 Rractical experience of sth
- 对这件事没有什麽、 有一些、 没有、有意见 ter
- 射击猎物没有打中; (用手段)占某人的便宜 wipe sb.'s eye
- n. 小偷乘没人注意时溜了出去. while no one was looking
- adj. 小偷溜掉了--我没追上. The thief got away he was too quick for me
- n. 小孩, 胎儿, 婴儿, 孩子, 儿童, 儿子, 女儿, 儿女, 子孙, 幼稚的人, 一身孩子气的人, 某个时代的产物, 受某种环境影响而定型的人, 产物, 结果, 弟子, 追随者, 依附者, 崇拜者, 小孩(可指男孩或女孩), 孩子气的人, 没经验的人, 儿女 child
- v. 小山隐没在浓雾之中. The hills were wrapped in mist
- adj. 小山隐没在薄雾中难以看清. The hills were barely visible through the mist
- adj. 小心--油漆还没乾呢. Be careful the paint is still wet