  • v.  他伪装得很好, 可是一说话就原形毕露了(听他的声音就能认他来).   He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he betrayed himself, ie he was recognized by his voice
  • v.  他伸手臂, 够著了那个架子.   With a stretch of his arm, he reached the shelf
  • v.  他伸出手臂去拿书.   He stretched out his arm to take the book
  • v.  他伸手臂搂著我, 带我走开了.   He put his arm round me and walked me away
  • v.  他低能得无以复加, 然而却是於好心. mean well by sb have kindly intentions towards sb 对某人抱善意mean   He's hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he means well.
  • n.  他做口生意只是为他的间谍活动打掩护.   The export business was just a smokescreen for his activities as a spy
  • adj.  他做的结论纯粹是推测而来的.   His conclusions are purely speculative, ie based on reasoning, not facts
  • v.  他做粗鲁动作表示反驳.   He made a rude sign by way of retort
  • v.  他做出要打她的架势.   He made as if to strike her
  • n.  他做那件事纯粹是於好意, 并非为钱.   He did it entirely out of kindness, not for the money
  • v.  他偷了钱後从房子里溜了去.   He stole the money and sneaked out of the house
  • n.  他冒充上流社会人士而尽洋相.   make him appear ridiculous
  • adj.  他写出的小说更多了.   He came up with still more stories
  • v.  他冲出门去追赶她.   He shot out of the door after her
  • v.  他决定[反对]尽早发.   an early start
  • v.  他决定放弃他所有的一切, 家为僧.   He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk