| - 铟含量分析仪 indium analyzer
- 铥含量分析仪 aldebaranium analyzer
- 铪含量分析仪 celtium analyzer
- 铯含量分析仪 cesium analyzer
- 铰接车(带有用铰链连接其它部分的车辆, 转弯较易). =>illus at lorry 见lorry. vehicle with sections connected by flexible joints so that it can turn more easily
- 银含量分析仪 silver analyzer
- adj. 银行发的支票保付卡并非有效的身分证明文件. A cheque card is not a valid proof of identity
- n. 银行存折, 顾客赊欠帐簿, 南非共和国有色人种的身分证, 存款簿 passbook
- 铸模分离 mold release agent
- 铸模分离 release agent
- 铸模分离剂 mold release agent
- 铸模分离剂 release agent
- n. 铺於泥泞地面、 不牢的屋顶...上的)木板(用以分散人体重量). boards used to spread one's weight when moving over muddy ground, a weak roof, etc (
- 铼含量分析仪 rhenium analyzer
- 链式分裂 chain fission
- 链式饲料分送机 chain feeder