| - indef det 他們能省出的傢具足夠裝滿一間屋子. They were able to save enough of their furniture to fill a room
- adv. 他們認為她可能來電話.要是這樣的話, 就得有人守在這兒. They think she may try to phone. If so, someone must stay here
- n. 他們需要找個能幹的律師協助處理. They need the services of a good lawyer
- v. 他偽裝得很好, 可是一說話就原形畢露了(聽他的聲音就能認出他來). He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he betrayed himself, ie he was recognized by his voice
- adj. 他似乎有可能黃昏前到達. It seems probable that he will arrive before dusk
- v. 他低能得無以復加, 然而卻是出於好心. mean well by sb have kindly intentions towards sb 對某人抱善意mean He's hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he means well.
- n. 他勤奮、 能, 但决非天才. He is hard-working and able, but no genius
- adj. 他十分惱火, 但在態度上卻很能剋製. He was furious, but his manner was very restrained
- adj. 他十分正派, 使人不能不喜歡他. His essential decency makes it impossible to dislike him
- v. 他壓抑著本能的性欲, 視之為罪惡. He repressed his natural sexual desires as sinful
- n. 他又想要有穩定的收入, 又不想工作. 他不能兩者兼得. a piece of cake => piece1. sell like hot cakes => sell. take the biscuit/cake => biscuit. He wants a regular income but doesn't want to work. He can't have his cake and eat it!
- 他可不是能用花言巧語打動的人. He's not the sort of man you can put one over on
- 他可能及時來到這裏, 不過我不能肯定. He `might get here in time, but I can't be sure
- n. 他可能失敗. The odds are against him, ie He's unlikely to succeed
- n. 他可能幫不了忙, 但是求他一下倒也無妨. He may not be able to help but there's no harm in asking him
- n. 他可能沒趕上火車. missed his train