| - n. 约翰斯, 约翰斯 johns
- v. 约翰有感愧疚, 於是写信道歉. Impelled by feelings of guilt, John wrote to apologize
- 约翰牛(指英国或英国人) John Bull
- adj. 约翰特别喜欢挑剔别人的毛病. John's extremely fond of pointing out other people's mistakes, ie He enjoys doing this constantly
- n. 约翰的父母不同意他买摩托车. John's parents vetoed his plan to buy a motor bike
- 约翰科林酒(用杜松子酒, 橙或柠檬汁与冰苏打水配制的混合饮料) John collins
- 约翰薄帆布便帽 John's style duck hat
- adv. 约翰要是坐在这儿, 玛丽可以坐在那儿. If John sits here, Mary can sit there
- 约翰说:“没有把握的时候, 要讲实话。” said John.
- adj. 约翰逊荣誉退休教授. Emeritus Professor Johnson
- v. 约翰逊获得百米金牌. the gold medal in the 100 metres
- n. 约翰问, 他是否也可以来. might come too
- abbr. 约翰)斯通指挥官. Stone (
- n. 约耳书, 约耳, 《约耳书》 joel
- 约飞线圈 ioffe coils
- 约默德地毯 yomud carpet