  • v.  使运输系统、 工厂、 耕作法现代化   modernize a transport system, a factory, farming methods
  • vt.  使迷失向, 使精神混乱, 使迷惑, 使混乱, 使失去向感   disorient
  • v.  使(东的国家、 人等)西化(尤指生活、 思想、 风俗、 制度等面)   more like one in the West, esp in ways of living and thinking, institutions, etc
  • v.  使(某事物)延伸至某一点或向某一向   to a specified point or in a specified direction
  • v.  使(某事物)效率更高、 作用更大(如藉改进或简化工作法)   more efficient and effective, eg by improving or simplifying working methods
  • v.  使(某事物)(按新的或原先的式)重新排列   into a new or former arrangement; align again
  • v.  使(某人[某事物])到或离开(某处)或沿某向移动(有时有困难)   to move to or from a specified point or in a specified direction, sometimes with difficulty
  • v.  使(某人[某物])向某向走   to go in the specified direction
  • v.  使(某人)按某式移动   to move in the way specified
  •   使(某人)迷失方向   to lose all sense of direction
  • v.  使(某物)向某向移动   to move in the specified direction
  • n.  使(某物)呈现格图案或不同颜色或不同深浅的格   with a pattern of squares or patches of different colours or shades
  • n.  使(某物)朝某向慢慢移动   slowly and carefully in the specified direction
  • v.  使(某物)转到新的向   in a new direction
  • adj.  供应一建筑物或地的)水源, 煤气源, 电源   the mains [sing or pl v] source of water, gas or electricity supply to a building or area (
  •   供股〔上市方式〕   rights issue