| - 逍遥音乐会(部分听众在不设座位的场区站著欣赏音乐). concert at which part of the audience is in an area without seats where they listen to the music standing up
- n. 透析, 分离, 分解, 渗析, 血液透析, 透析 dialysis
- v. 透析,分离 dialyse
- n. 透析器, 滤膜分析器, 透析器 dialyzer
- adj. 透析的, 透膜性的, 有分离力的, 渗析的 dialytic
- 逐一或逐部分检查某事物 We must look over the house before we decide to rent it. 我们必须先查看一下这所房子再决定租不租. look sth over examine sth one by one or part by part
- 逐年增长的百分率 year-to-year percentage increase
- 逐步减少; 分阶段减少, 分期分批减少 phase down
- 逐步分流式水带铺设 progressive hose lay
- n. 逐步或分阶段引进某事物 phase sth in introduce sth gradually or in stages
- n. 逐步或分阶段撤出或中止某事物 The use of lead-free petrol is now being phased in. 无铅汽油的应用现正逐步推广. phase sth out withdraw or discontinue sth gradually or in stages
- 逐步聚类分析 K-Means Cluster
- n. 逐渐下降, 下降, 散开, 分开 falloff
- 逐项分析 sequential analysis
- v. 递传单,分发民意测验单,制成传单 circularize
- 递变电阻分压器 tapered potentiometer