| - n. 该教师施予的残酷处罚. the teacher's cruel discipline
- n. 该教师转过身去时有人用舌与唇发出嘲笑她的声音. The teacher got a raspberry as she turned her back
- n. 该文件据称是一项正式声明. The document purports to be an official statement
- adv. 该方言主要通行於农村地区. The dialect is spoken principally in the rural areas
- 该旅馆毁於大火. The hotel was completely burnt out
- 该旅馆每间卧室都有一洗澡间自成一套. Each bedroom in the hotel has a bathroom en suite
- v. 该旅馆面向大海. The hotel looks towards the sea
- n. 该暴君可耻的凶残行径. the tyrant's infamous cruelties
- v. 该机在飞往德里的途中遭到劫持. The plane was highjacked while on a flight to Delhi
- n. 该杂志对防务内幕的透露. the magazine's disclosure of defence secrets
- v. 该杂志正大力发展新订户. The magazine is trying to get more readers to subscribe
- n. 该村村民吃井水. The villagers get their water from a well
- v. 该校不收女生. The school doesn't take girls, ie only has boys as pupils
- adj. 该校已连胜五场比赛. The school has won five successive games
- v. 该校由一慈善机构资助. This school is maintained by a charity
- adj. 该校自有校史以来未曾出现过的情况. a situation unprecedented in the history of the school