| - 包装新颖美观 fashionable and attractive packages
- n. 包装材料, 包装材料, 包层, 护层, 涂层, 包, 包皮, 封套, 包装材料, 包装纸 wrapping
- 包装板 clad plate
- 包装棉线 commercial twine
- 包装牢固 strong packing
- 包装物出租 Wrappage lease
- n. 包装物品用的)薄纸, 绵纸. very thin soft paper used for wrapping and packing things (
- 包装物品用的)锡纸 very thin sheets of tin or aluminium alloy used for wrapping and packing things (
- 包装物监测器 package monitor
- 包装物辐照装置 package irradiation plant
- 包装用再生纤维纸 sheet of reclaimed cellulose for warpping
- 包装用塑料薄膜 plastic film for wrapping
- n. 包装用的)玻璃纸 thin transparent material made from viscose and used for wrapping things (
- 包装用粘胶纸 viscose sheet for wrapping
- 包装的型式代码 Code Number Designating the Type of Packaging
- 包装粘糊机 sheet pasting machine