  • n.  在美国, 测量距离用里, 不用公里.   In the USA distance is measured in miles, not kilometres
  • n.  在苏格兰与格兰北部之松鸡猎场上猎松鸡. =>illus at App   grouse shooting on the moors of Scotland and northern England
  • adj.  在吉利海峡中部[在半空中]相撞.   in mid air
  • n.  在国, vacation主要用以指大学和法院放假期间   In Britain vacation is used mainly for the period of time when universities and lawcourts do not work
  • n.  在国, 夏季日落时间比冬季晚得多.   In Britain the sun sets much later in summer than in winter
  • v.  在国, 女王是君主而治理国家的却是民选的代表.   In Britain the Queen reigns, but elected representatives of the people govern the country
  • n.  在国, 杜鹃鸟预告春天的来临.   In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring
  • n.  在国, 结婚戒指戴在左手无名指上.   In Britain, wedding-rings are worn on the third finger of the left hand
  • v.  在国, 车辆靠左行驶.   Traffic in Britain keeps to the left, ie drives on the left-hand side of the road
  • n.  在国, 长的假期是从六月到十月.   in Britain the long vacation is from June to October
  • adj.  在国、 伦敦等有固定住所.   be domiciled in Britain, London, etc
  • n.  在国不从国教派教会中的)执事, 助祭.   lay person who deals with church business affairs (
  •   在国为16岁以上的人参加的)普通教育证书(的考试). Cf 参看 Advanced level (advance2), A/S level, Ordinary level (ordinary).   any of a range of examinations taken in Britain at the age of 16+ (
  • n.  在国买布还论码吗? =>App 4, 5 见附录4、 5.   Can you still buy cloth by the yard in Britain?
  • prep.  在国伯明翰是仅次於伦敦的大城市.   Birmingham is the largest city in Britain next to London
  •   在国利物浦举行一年一度的)越野障碍赛马.   annual horse-race at Liverpool, England, with high fences to jump (