| - adj. 他们不大可能给你钱,'他冷淡地说. dryness n [U]. They're not likely to give you money,' he remarked dryly. `
- adj. 他们主力队员受伤可能是这场比赛决定胜负的因素. The injury to their key player could be a decisive factor in the game
- n. 他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜, 但事情往往会功败垂成. They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip
- v. 他们假若能继续交好运, 还能获得冠军. If their luck holds, they could still win the championship
- v. 他们即使能赢得这场比赛, 我们也不会让他们轻易取胜. They may win the game, but we'll give them a good run for their money
- n. 他们受命运的安排再也不能相会. Fate decreed that they would not meet again
- n. 他们在悬崖上居高临下, 能看到来来往往的船. From their vantage-point on the cliff, they could watch the ships coming and going
- n. 他们把他按在墙上使他不能动弹. They pinned him against the wall
- 他们把所有的空闲时间都用来看电视了, 还能学什麽东西呢? How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time watching television?
- n. 他们担心的是最坏的情况(已经发生或可能发生). They feared the worst, ie thought that the worst had happened or would happen
- n. 他们未能做出决定, 这使她进退无门. Their failure to come to a decision put her in an impossible position
- 他们极尽能事,逃避责任” They tried to shirk their responsibility'“
- adj. 他们没有武器便不能自卫. Without their weapons they were helpless
- n. 他们的暧昧交往未能发展成为持久的关系. Their affair did not develop into a lasting relationship
- v. 他们聘请了能请到的最好的律师为他们陈述案情. They employed the best lawyer they could get to plead their case
- n. 他们能够用雷达测定快艇的方位. They were able to position the yacht by means of radar