| - abbr. 约翰·布朗太太. Cf 参看 miss2, mister. Mrs John Brown
- abbr. 约翰·布朗(第二等的)大英帝国最高勋爵士. Cf 参看 CBE, DBE, MBE. Sir John Brown KBE
- abbr. 约翰·斯科特音乐学士. John Scott B Mus
- abbr. 约翰·沃尔外科硕士. John Wall ChM
- n. 约翰·麦卡夫 John Metcalfe
- adj. 约翰一下正打在他的脸上. John hit him full in the face
- v. 约翰刚刚跟女朋友吹了. John has just split up with his girl-friend
- v. 约翰发现他姐姐吸烟就给告了一状. John caught his sister smoking and told on her
- n. 约翰和利兹二人把奖金分了--约翰用他分到的那一半奖金购买了文字处理机. John and Liz shared the prize money between them John used his half to buy a word processor
- adj. 约翰和安很亲近. John is very thick with Anne
- 约翰和玛丽呢?'`他们散步去了.' Where are John and Mary?' `They went for a walk.' `
- adj. 约翰和玛丽(面对面地)坐在桌子两端. John and Mary sat at opposite ends of the table (to each other).
- adj. 约翰因为自己的狗死了非常伤心. John is sad because his dog has died
- adj. 约翰尼又吐了--我们应该请医生来吗? Johnny's been sick again should we call the doctor?
- pron. 约翰当然是必须邀请的. John is one who must certainly be invited
- n. 约翰搞的聚会真够疯狂的--大家都(因吸食毒品)神魂颠倒了. , ie hallucinated