| - adj. 我的生日庆祝会能在哪天举行?'`在离你生日最近的那个星期六吧.' When can I have my birthday party?' `On the Saturday nearest to it.' `
- adj. 我的生日离圣诞节很近. My birthday is very near Christmas
- v. 我给你拍了一张海滩日光浴的照片. I snapped you sunbathing on the beach
- 我认识个地方, 可以吃日本菜. you can eat Japanese food
- n. 我这些日子没(什麽)时间读书. time to read these days
- adv. 我隐约记得自己过四岁生日时的情景. remember my fourth birthday
- adj. 我须於5月20日出庭. I have to present myself in court on 20 May
- v. 我预计星期日回来. I will be back on Sunday
- 截止日期最后限期 deadline date
- 截至一九XX年三月三十一日为止的财政年度预算卷一乙部──政府一般收入帐目 Estimates for the year ending 31 March 19XX Volume IB--General Revenue Account
- 截至一九XX年三月三十一日为止的财政年度预算卷一甲部──政府一般收入帐目 Estimates for the year ending 31 March 19XX Volume IA--General Revenue Account
- 截至一九XX年三月三十一日为止的财政年度预算卷二──基金帐目 Estimates for the year ending 31 March 19XX Volume II--Fund Accounts
- n. 扇子,日本的绘画摺扇 sensu
- 手头宽裕;生活好过/手头更拮据,日子更不好过 well off/worse off
- 打某人的指关节(旧日责打学童的办法) rap sb.'s knuckles
- 打某人的指关节(旧日责打学童的办法) rap sb. over the knuckles