  • n.  我可不愿意牺牲一天休假单单陪简去买东西.   I'm not sacrificing my day off just to go shopping with Jane
  • n.  我喜欢在假里多晒太阳.   I like lots of sun on holiday
  • v.  我在假只图快乐, 别的什麽事都不做.   I shall have nothing to do on holiday but please myself, ie do as I like
  • adj.  我在假愿意轻松一些.   I like to take things easy when I'm on holiday
  • v.  我在思想上不断地重温著那决定不幸命运的子.   I relived that fateful day over and over in my mind
  • n.  我在记中记载著我的一切希望和计画.   My diary is the repository of all my hopes and plans
  •   我在梦幻中见到了世界末.   saw a vision of the end of the world
  • adv.  我对此事记忆犹新, 恍如昨一般.   I can remember it as if it were yesterday
  • indef det  我将有好些子不在这儿.   some time, ie for quite a long time
  • adj.  我已安排了清洁工回来前的逐清洁工作.   I have organized the cleaning on a ,day-to-`day basis, until the usual cleaner returns
  • v.  我把期弄乱了, 所以迟到了三天.   the dates and arrived three days late
  • n.  我把日期弄错了.   I slipped up on the date
  •   我方收到你方今发出的传真/电报,电文如下:   We have received your fax/telegram of today's date, which reads as follows
  • v.  我来赴约发现把期弄错了, 感到非常懊恼.   When I discovered I'd come for the appointment on the wrong day, I could have kicked myself
  • n.  我生的那天收到了很多贺卡.   I got masses of cards on my birthday
  • adj.  我的假安排因天气关系已全部打乱了.   The weather has really fouled up my holiday plans