| - 中国人民解放军的奖章 medal of the Chinese People's Liberation Army
- 中国仪器进口公司 China National Instruments Import Corporation
- 中国仿古地毯 Chinese imitation antique carpet
- 中国传统家具 Chinese traditional furniture
- n. 中国佬, 有曲线球, 中国人, 华人 chinaman
- 中国保险条款 China Insurance Clause
- 中国保险英国有限公司 China Insurance UK.Co. Ltd
- 中国保陪 China Protection & Insurance
- 中国军衔 Rank in Chinese Armed Forces
- 中国出口商品交易会(广交会) China Export Commodities Fair (Guangzhou Fair)
- 中国化工产品进出口公司 China National Chemical Products Import & Export Corporation
- 中国医药保健品 Chinese Medicines & Health Produts
- 中国厂丝 China steam filature
- 中国参芪酒 Chinese ginseng and astragali wine
- 中国发展科〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 China Development Division [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited]
- n. 中国发生的社会变化. the social metamorphosis that has occurred in China