  •   像素间演算   pixel-to pixel operation
  •   儿童过路辅导员(持圆形指示牌, 有`停车! 儿童过路'字样, 尤於上学、 放学时值勤者).   person who carries a circular sign marked `Stop! Children Crossing' as a warning to traffic to stop, allowing children to cross a busy road, esp on their way to and from school
  •   允许暴露时间   permitted exposure time
  • adj.  元音之常听到的外加音r(如在law and order中的).   the intrusive `r' often heard between vowel sounds, eg in `law and order'
  • n.  兄妹之常见的钩心斗角.   the usual rivalry between brother and sister
  • n.  兄弟间的手足亲情.   the ties of brotherhood
  • n.  充塞(某空间)   so that there is little room to move
  • n.  充满物质的空, 充实, 充满, 高压, 强制通风, 全体会议, 大会, 充气增压, 全体人员, 高压   plenum
  •   充电间   charging room
  • n.  光彩, 注释, 注解, 评注, 词汇, 语汇, 集注, 行的意译, 曲解, 光泽, 光辉, 假象, 虚饰, 注解, 光泽的表面, 欺人的表面   gloss
  • n.  光彩, 荣誉, 光泽, 五年时, 光亮, 光荣   luster
  •   克服(困难);避开;(消息)传开;(终于有时)做某事   get around/round (to)
  • n.  党内左右翼日益增大的分歧.   the growing polarity between the left and right wings of the party
  • vt.  入书页, 印入书页之   interpage
  • n.  全体工作人员对新工作时表倒不介意, 但不同意削减工资.   The staff don't mind the new work schedule but they would jib at taking a cut in wages
  • n.  全场球(投出的球直至击球员, 中不落地).   a full pitch, ie a bowled ball that does not bounce before reaching the batsman