| - n. 该工程必须搁置, 等待委员会做决定. The project must remain in limbo until the committee makes its decision
- 该工程费用开支可分成如下几部分 wages 10m, plant 4m, raw materials 5m.
- n. 该市是新旧建筑物的混合体. The city was a mixture of old and new buildings
- n. 该市极缺乏建筑用地. The city suffers from a shortage of building land, ie land on which to build houses
- adj. 该市治安最坏的一个地区. one of the toughest areas of the city
- adv. 该市这一地区一度很繁华, 如今已江河日下. This part of the town used to be fashionable, but it's starting to go downhill
- 该年已付 P paid this year
- 该年红利已付 P paid this year
- v. 该店停止营业进行整修. The shop is closed for repairs, ie while repair work is being done
- adj. 该店午後开始营业. The shop is open from lunchtimeonwards
- n. 该店因不赚钱而关闭. The shop closed because it didn't pay
- n. 该店最好的顾客之一. one of the shop's best customers
- n. 该建筑物已全部焚毁. The building was burned to the ground
- n. 该建议在这些人中未引起多大兴趣. The proposal aroused little enthusiasm in the group
- adj. 该引渡的, 可引渡的, 可引渡逃犯的, 可以引渡的, 足以使犯者被引渡的(罪行) extraditable
- v. 该影片发行面很广(当地影院普遍放映). The film is on general release, ie is being shown widely at local cinemas