| - v. 考虑或盘算某事(看是否可取、 可行等) doing sthconsider or examine sth to see if it is desirable, practicable,etc
- 考虑某事的可能性(未做出决定亦未采取行动) contemplate the possibility of sth (without reaching a decision or taking action)
- n. 考虑某人[某事物]适合(於某事物) sth as suitable (for sth)
- 考虑理由 consideration
- 考虑着说, 谨慎小心地说 speak in measured terms
- v. 考虑让某人做某工作[作候选人] as a candidate
- adj. 考虑过的, 细想过的, 考虑过的, 经过...考虑的, 消息灵通的 advised
- adj. 考虑过的, 被尊重的, 经慎重考虑的, 经过熟思的, 受尊敬的, 受尊重的 considered
- 考虑进口税时货物的实际价格 current domestic value
- n. 考虑(某事物)以决定 over in order to decide
- 考订, 校勘 textual criticism
- 考证《李尔王》原文所遇到的问题 the problems of establishing the text of `King Lear'
- n. 考试, 考试, 测验 exam
- n. 考试、 测验得的)分数 number of marks gained in a test, examination, etc (
- 考试不及格的学生需补考. Those students who failed the exam will have to take it again
- v. 考试之後放个假有助於弛缓紧张情绪. A holiday will help you relax after your exams