| - 約曼牌手錶 Yeoman
- v. 約束, 剋製(欲望或需要) by discipline or self-denial
- n. 約束, 約定, 契約, 規定, 條款, 條件 stipulation
- 約束變分原理 constrained variational Principle
- 約束式聲輻射器 constrained acoustic radiator
- 約束收縮 restrained contraction
- 約束水平 Bound level
- 約束渦 confined vortex
- 約束磁場 confining magnetic field
- 約束自己而不做某事(尤指不攻擊他人) restrain oneself from doing sth, esp attacking sb
- 約束船模試驗技術 captured model technique
- v. 約束行為、 限製消費、 節制生活方式 regulate one's conduct, expenditure, lifestyle
- 約束語句 converge statement
- 約束輻射器 constrained radiator
- 約櫃(古以色列人保藏刻有十誡的兩塊石板的木櫃) Ark of the Covenant
- n. 約瑟夫·V·黑剋·Joseph·V·· black gram