  •   她真的有勇气对他说那件事吗?   Surely she didn't have the nerve to say that to him?
  •   她瞧不起上过大学的人.   She looks down on people who've never been to university
  • adj.  她穷得钱给孩子买衣服.   She was too poor to buy clothes for her children
  • v.  她穿那些衣服也并显得更漂亮.   Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance
  • conj.  她答应要打电话来. 可我听到回信儿.   She promised to phone. I heard nothing, though
  •   她结婚了吗?'`有. 她说她在等待著意中人的出现.   Is she married?' `No. She says she's waiting for the right man to come along.' `
  • n.  她自从出了事故以後, 一直有骑马外出过.   She hasn't been out riding since the accident
  • n.  她虽然什麽也说, 但我已意识到她不喜欢这个主意.   she didn't like the idea
  • n.  她要求赔款遭到拒绝, 原因是她事先有交纳保险费.   that she had not paid her premium
  • n.  她觉得有汽车并非重大缺憾.   She didn'tfind the lack of a car any great privation
  • v.  她讲得有条理, 东拉西扯.   She skipped from one subject to another
  • n.  她讲的没有一句实话.   There's not a particle of truth in her story
  • n.  她说的没有一点实话   not a shred of truth in what she says
  •   她走了, 我没走.   She left, but I remained (behind).
  • n.  她走时连句感谢话都说.   She walked away without so much as a thank-you
  • adv.  她辩称人能付得起钱, 这也不无道理.   , that no one could afford to pay