  • n.  我们把会议期暂定为5月3吧.   Let's pencil in 3 May for the meeting
  • n.  我们担保你在一内收到.   We guarantee you delivery within one day
  • n.  我们收到了您15来函.   We are in receipt of your letter of the 15th
  • adv.  我们星期多半不在家.   We're mostly out on Sundays
  • adv.  我们有时去海滩, 有时在院子里做光浴.   Sometimes we went to the beach and at other times we sunbathed on the patio
  • int.  我们熟悉的海滨假已可谓一去不复返了.   You can say farewell to seaside holidays as we once knew them
  • n.  我们的假日称心如意.   Our holiday was all that could be desired, ie was entirely satisfactory
  • adv.  我们的假计画已经吹了.   Our holiday plans have gone phut
  • adj.  我们的假过得只能说是差强人意.   Our holiday was only a partial success
  •   我们要给她开生庆祝会.   We're getting up a party for her birthday
  •   我们那个假的最大乐趣是远足.   The excursion was the high spot of our holiday
  • adj.  我们都盛装赴会, 而她却依然常装束.   We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her ordinary clothes
  • v.  我们都祝你早日康复.   We all send our best wishes (for your recovery).
  • n.  我们须在我们常公务中建立一些制度.   We must introduce some system into our office routine
  • v.  我作了光浴後, 皮肤有些脱落了.   After sunbathing, my skin began to peel
  • n.  我只要求借款--後一定奉还.   I'm only asking for a loan I'll pay you back