| - n. (用旧的或现有的材料)做出新的东西 make sth new from old or existing material
- n. (精力、 强烈情感等的)发泄的出路 means of releasing (energy, strong feelings, etc)
- n. (纸牌戏中)首先出(某牌) as one's first card
- (船只或飞机发出的)无线电求救呼号 a mayday call
- v. (言语尖刻或口出狂言等)冀求摆脱某事物 bluster one's way out of sth try to escape from sth by talking aggressively, boastfully, etc
- n. (计算机运算中)错进, 错出(若输入错误数据, 则输出亦为错误数据). if you input wrong data, the output will also be wrong
- n. (证券交易所中)买进股份以期不久可高价卖出的人 person who buys shares hoping to sell them soon afterwards at a higher price
- (这幅画)给我个价, 诸位愿意出多少钱? What am I bid (for this painting)?
- n. (铜管乐器发出的)嗡姆吧声 oompah
- n. (铜管乐器或汽车喇叭等所发出的)响亮声音 loud sound made by a brass instrument, car horn, etc
- n. (除去指出的办法外)别无他法 there is no other action to take (except the one specified)
- vi. (风笛)发出尖声, 发出尖锐声 skirl
- vi. (飞机)在地面上滑行, 乘出租汽车, 乘计程车 taxi
- conj. )常用以引导出补充前言的话, 即是对刚说过的话想到要加些补充 is often used to introduce an afterthought,ie something added to the main statement *unless(并非if...not
- n. [药]萨立多胺, 擦里多米德, 萨利多胺, 酞胺哌啶酮, 反应停(一种镇静剂, 孕妇服用可能生出怪胎, 已禁用), 镇静剂, 安眠药之一种 thalidomide