  •   (思想)浮現,出現   present itself
  • n.  (投幣式)自動售貨機(售小件商品的, 如香煙、 飲料、 三明治等).   coin-operated slot machinefor the sale of small items, eg cigarettes, drinks, sandwiches
  • n.  (拍賣時的)競買, 喊價, 價   offering of prices at an auction
  •   (拍賣時)賣某物(給價人)   sell sth (to a bidder)
  •   (指樂器等)吹奏聲   sound in this way
  • v.  (指書或文章)發表或版   be published or printed
  • adj.  (指事物或行動)巧妙作或設計的   cleverly made or contrived
  • n.  (指作品)已印, 已版   printed in a book, newspaper, etc
  • adj.  (指劇場、 演等)舞臺設 在場地中央的.   all around the stage
  • n.  (指嬰兒)已成胎但尚未生   conceived but not yet born
  • v.  (指待售房屋)已有人價要買   having a prospective buyer who has made an offer
  • n.  (指想法等)現, 掠過   come into one's mind
  • v.  (指感情)自某人[某人的眼睛]等處流露來.   sb's eyes, etc
  • v.  (指報紙或廣播)登載, 刊, 播(某事)   in its content; contain
  • n.  (指拳擊手)能發重擊.   be capable of delivering a powerful blow
  • v.  (指有害的鳥獸昆蟲等)大批孳生沒, 遍布, 侵擾(某處)   persistently and in large numbers