| - 该奖是在获奖人死後追赠的. The prize was awarded posthumously
- n. 该女演员於第三场结束时退场. At the end of the third scene the actress exits
- n. 该婚礼是一盛会. The wedding was quite an occasion
- adj. 该学院的校友和在校学生 past and present students of the college
- n. 该宿舍的人订购了一些新家具. The mess has ordered some new furniture
- n. 该将军把部队集结起来发动最後的攻击. The general massed his troops for a final attack
- v. 该小说以平装本的形式再版. The novel was reissued as a paperback
- n. 该小说的男主人公. Cf 参看 villain. the hero of the novel
- n. 该山顶上缺氧. There was a shortage of oxygen at the top of the mountain
- adj. 该岛下风处的沙丘. Cf 参看 windward (wind1). sandhills on the leeward side of the island
- n. 该岛只是天水交接处的一个黑点. The island was just a dot on the horizon
- n. 该岛毁在旅游业上了. The island has been ruined by tourism
- 该巡洋舰触雷, 於五分钟後沉没. The cruiser was mined, and sank in five minutes
- adj. 该工厂不能保持目前的生产水平. The factory cannot maintain current levels of production
- n. 该工厂的平均产量是每天20辆汽车. The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day
- adj. 该工程将按计画进行. The project will go forward as planned