| - n. 人品、 能力、 资格的)证明书, 鉴定书, 推荐书 written statement testifying to a person's character, abilities or qualifications (
- n. 人在受到压力时的行为能作衡量其品性的可靠尺度吗? Is a person's behaviour under stress a reliable gauge of his character?
- v. 人工供暖能促进植物生长. Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants
- 人工心肺机(临时代替心脏和肺脏功能的机器, 尤用於外科手术时). machine machine that can temporarily perform the functions of the heart and lungs, esp during a surgical operation
- 人工智能 A.I.
- 人工智能计算机 artificial intelligence computer
- adj. 人是有辨别是非能力的. Human beings are moral individuals
- 人物功能 Functions of character
- n. 人的)能力 ability to do or act (
- n. 人类与禽兽之别在於人具有思维能力. Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals
- n. 人类或许能亲眼见到鲸的灭绝. We may live to see the extinction of the whale
- n. 人类是唯一有说话能力的动物. Man is the only animal that has the faculty of speech
- adj. 人若疲劳谁都可能出差错. We're all liable to make mistakes when we're tired
- 什麽? 你能再说一遍吗? What? Can you say that again?
- v. 什麽也不能引诱我参军. Nothing would tempt me to join the army
- v. 什麽也不能影响她对这项计划的热忱. Nothing could diminish her enthusiasm for the project