| - vt. 解释, 分析(语法), 直译, 推论, 把...认作, 结合, 连用, 使与...联系(with) construe
- n. 解释, 演出, 翻译, 互, 说明, 诠释, 描述, 演奏, 表演, 译码, 判读, 分析, 整理, 阐明, 口译, 通译 interpretation
- v. 解释, 翻译, 分析, 直译 construe
- vt. 解释, 说明, 阐明, 分析, 引伸, 发展, 详细说明, 详细解释 explicate
- 触发电路分频器 flip-flop frequency divider
- n. 触地, 触地得分, 著地, 攻方持球, 着地, 降落 touchdown
- n. 警方一直严密监视著可疑分子的活动. The police have been keeping a close watch on the suspects' movements
- n. 警方只追回了部分赃款. The police only recovered part of the stolen money
- v. 警方在跟犯罪分子的斗争中决不手软. The police will not relent in their fight against crime
- n. 警方经长时间调查, 结果凶手的身分仍全然不知. The net result of the long police investigation is that the identity of the killer is still a complete mystery
- n. 警方追踪恐怖分子至其藏匿处. The police tracked the terrorists to their hide-out
- 计分杆数 Arwy
- 计分比赛 Point tourney
- 计分牌 scoreboard
- n. 计划, 策略, 方法, 规划, 方案, 打算, 办法, 图案, 设计图, 平面图, 图样, 图, 进度表, 程序表, 时间表, 草案, 轮廓, 梗概, 图解, 说明图, (机器各部分的)说明图, 详图 plan
- 计数/分微升 counts per minute/micro liter