| - 高输出心室起搏器 high output ventricular pacemaker
- 高输出量性心力衰竭 high output heart failure
- 高速公路旁的)服务区(出售汽油、 茶点等的). =>illus at App area beside a motorway where petrol and refreshments, etc are sold (
- n. 高速流出的射流, 冲出, 流出, 高速流出, 出口压力头 outrush
- n. 鬼, 幽灵, 幻影, 鬼怪, 幻景, 幻象, 出现, 离奇出现的东西 apparition
- int. 魔术师将戏法变成功时的用语或人们用以评论或表达某事完成得出奇地容易或迅速) hey presto (said by a conjuror as he completes a trick successfully, or by sb commenting on or announcing sth that has been done surprisingly easily or quickly
- 魔毯(原出《一千零一夜》) magic carpet
- n. 鱼叉(将鱼拉出水者). stick with an iron hook for pulling large fish out of the water
- n. 鱼叉(状若梭镖, 系於绳上, 用手掷出或用炮射出, 用以捕鲸等). missile like a spear with a rope attached, thrown by hand or fired from a gun, used for catching whales, etc
- n. 鱼纲, 双鱼座, 双鱼宫, 双鱼座, 双鱼宫时出生的人(2月20日至3月20日) pisces
- 鲜明的;突出的 (= in sharp relief) in bold relief
- n. 鸟会飞是出自本能. Birds learn to fly by instinct
- v. 鸟儿把袋子啄出一个洞. The birds pecked a hole in the sack
- n. 鸟发出的类似口哨的声音 similar tuneful sound made by a bird
- vi. 鸟鸣, 用柔和的颤音唱歌或说话, 发出潺潺声 warble
- n. 鸣, 钟, 和协, 一套钟, 铁琴, 合奏钟声, 谐音, 韵律, 一致, 单调, (一套钟发出的)和谐的钟声, 似钟的乐声, 一套奏乐的钟, (发似钟声的)乐器, 一套发谐音的钟, 和谐 chime