| - adj. 哥特字体的字、 字体等. Gothic lettering, type, etc
- adj. 哥特式建筑的(12至16世纪流行於西欧的建筑风格, 以尖拱、 拱顶、 细长柱等为特点) of or in a style common in W Europe from the 12th to the 16th centuries and characterized by pointed arches, arched roofs, tall thin pillars, etc
- adj. 哥特式教堂、 大教堂、 拱门、 窗户. a Gothic church, cathedral, arch, window
- adj. 哥特式的小说、 恐怖. Gothic novels, horror
- 哥特式的火焰状饰 flamboyant Gothic
- adj. 哥特派的, 哥特风格的(18世纪的一种文学风格, 通常描述有神秘或恐怖气氛的爱情故事) of or in an 18th-century style of literature which described romantic adventures in mysterious or frightening settings
- 哥萨克伏特加酒 Cossack Vodka
- 哪辆汽车是你的[哪辆是你的汽车]? 是`福特'牌的还是`富豪'牌的? What is used when the group is not so limited 若所指的并非在有限的数量中, 要用what Which is your car? The Ford or the Volvo?
- 哭得特别伤心[死去活来] cry one's eyes
- 哭得特别伤心[死去活来] weep one's eyes
- 哭得特别伤心[死去活来] cry one's heart
- 哭得特别伤心[死去活来] weep one's heart
- n. 唯一性, 单值性, 独特性 uniqueness
- 唯一的,独特的 unique
- 商业因特网交易协会 commercial internet exchange association (ciea)
- n. 商标, 商标专用权, (人的)特征 trademark