| - 诉诸战争权 jus ad bellum
- 诉诸最高权力机关(或长辈, 上级) appeal to Caesar
- 诉诸最高权力机关(或长辈, 上级) appeal unto Caesar
- 诉诸法律, [转]引为证据 bring into court
- 诉诸法律, [转]引为证据 bring to court
- 诸位; 诸位乡亲(通常出于妄自尊大的人之口) my good people
- n. 诸侯, 封臣, 附庸, 部属, 奴隶, (中世纪的)诸侯, 仆从 vassal
- 诸如此类, 等等 and what have you (and what not)
- adj. 诸如此类的, 这样的, 同样的, 此类的, 像这样的 suchlike
- 诸如此类的事物, 等等 what have you
- 诸如此类的事物、 人等 other things, people, etc of the same kind
- 诸如猫、狗之类的动物 such animals as cats and dogs
- n. 诸子鱼条, 雪鲦, 圆鳍雅罗鱼, 白鲑 chub
- 诸神 的末日(北欧神话) twilight of the gods
- n. 诸神混合崇拜,神人融合 theocrasy
- n. 诸言, 序, 前言, 序言 foreword