| - n. 為防遭傷害或損失的)保障, 保險, 補償, 賠償 guarantee against damage or loss; compensationfor these (
- 主動脈狹窄之修補 Repair coarctation aorta
- 主動脈-肺動脈開窗之修補手術 Repair aorto-pulmonary window
- 烏雞補酒 black-bone chicken medicated and tonic liquor
- 樂補欣輸液 liposynⅡ solution
- n. 書等的)補編, 補遺, 附錄 book, section of a book, etc that gives further information, treats a special subject, etc (
- vt. 買回, 贖回, 輓回, 恢復, 彌補, 補救, 償還, 還清, 履行, 拯救, 解放, 使免罪, 改善, 修改, 兌換, 贖出, 實踐, (與from連用)拯救, 解救, 賠償, 補償 redeem
- vt. 買回, 贖回, 輓回, 恢復, 彌補, 補救, 償還, 還清, 履行, 拯救, 解放, 使免罪, 改善, 修改, 兌換, 贖出, 實踐, (與from連用)拯救, 解救, 賠償, 補償 redeem
- 事故和疾病補助 accident and sickness benefits
- 互補單結晶體管 complementary unijunction transistor
- 互補雙極集成電路 bipolar IC, complementary
- 互補雙穩態觸發器 complement flip flop
- 互補對稱金屬氧化物半導體 complementary symmetry metal oxide semiconductor
- 互補式組合導航 complement integrated navigation
- 互補恆流邏輯 complementary constant current logic
- 互補恆流邏輯電路 complementary constant current logic circuit