  •   然;不管;不顾;纵使   in spite of
  •   虽说, 即使   while admit ting that...
  •   虽说, 即使   admit ting that...
  •   这个然不便宜, 但我觉得我们还是应该买.   It's not cheap but I think we should buy it none the less
  • adv.  这儿说比不上湖区, 但郊外的景色倒也十分漂亮.   It's not quite the Lake District but the countryside's very pretty
  • adj.  这本书很有意思, 然书名并不吸引人.   The book is fascinating, despite its uninspiring title
  • n.  (然困难或不愉快)坚持到底, 一直忍下去   continue with sth to the end, despite difficulty or unpleasantness