臣Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 诸侯, 封臣, 附庸, 部属, 奴隶, (中世纪的)诸侯, 仆从 vassal
- n. 这些问题揭发後, 有几个大臣辞职了. several ministers resigned from the government
- v. 这位大臣毅然辞职, 维护了自己在公众心目中的声誉. The minister redeemed himself in the eyes of the public by resigning
- n. 部长, 大臣, 内阁成员, 政府, 公使, 外交使节, 牧师, 教长, 侍从, 仆人, 代理者, 外交使节 minister
- 钦差(大臣) an Imperial envoy
- 阁下(对伯爵、 子爵、 男爵、 内阁大臣及其他人士的尊称) title of earls, viscounts, barons, Cabinet Ministers, and certain others
- 首相、财政大臣及其他部长席 the Treasury B-
- n. 首相任命一些新大臣以增强她现届政府的活力. The Prime Minister appointed some new ministers to ginger up her administration
- n. (旧时)(宫廷或贵族豢养的)弄臣, 小丑 man whose job was to make jokes to amuse a court or noble household