| - n. 人或党派之间不同观点的矛盾或冲突 disagreement or conflict between people or parties with different views
- 什叶派回教徒 Shia Muslim
- v. 介绍某人加入某教派、 秘密会社等. initiate sb into a religious sect, secret society, etc
- n. 从主力部队派遣的小分队. the detachment of units from the main force
- adj. 从拉丁文衍生的, 类似拉丁文的, 拉丁语的, 从拉丁语派生的, 带有拉丁文的特色和风格的, 拉丁国家的, 主要为拉丁性质的, 似拉丁语的 latinate
- n. 他们本季派了一支很强的球队上场. They're fielding a very strong side this season
- adj. 他十分正派, 使人不能不喜欢他. His essential decency makes it impossible to dislike him
- n. 他在伦敦任职几年後被派往驻莫斯科大使馆工作. After several years in London, he was posted to the embassy in Moscow
- n. 他在等待当权派给他分派下一工作. He was waiting for the powers that be to decide what his next job would be
- n. 他坚持僵硬的右派政治立场. He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance
- n. 他对她说的是一派谎言, 可她却全部接受. He tells her all those lies and she just laps them up
- n. 他对政治反对派的迫害 his persecution of his political opponents
- 他折派特 Tarazepide
- v. 他正在找人派不是, 於是便推到我的身上. He was looking for someone to blame and fastened on me
- n. 他的话是一派谎言. His story is a tissue of lies
- n. 他空有高官的派头却并无实权. He had the trappings of high office but no real power