| - 一二三民主联盟 Democratic Alliance [123DA]
- n. 一切权力归人民'是他们的口号. Power to the people' is their slogan. `
- n. 一国或一民族信奉的)众神 all the gods of a nation or people (
- 一国民众的领导人(亦可为政府之首脑). chief public representative of a country, who may also be the head of government
- 一民主党众议员 Nick Rahall
- n. 一民族、 国家或时期的)文化和生活方式 culture and way of life of a people, nation or period regarded as a stage in the development of organized society (
- n. 一种快速旋转舞, 其舞曲, 塔兰台拉舞(意大利南部地区的一种轻快的民间舞), 塔兰台拉舞(意大利的一种快速双人舞), 塔兰台拉舞曲(亦作tarantelle) tarantella
- n. 一系列贪污腐化事件激起民愤导致政府垮台. A series of corruption scandals led to the fall of the government
- n. 一组织由其成员的)民主管理 control of an organization by its members, who take part in the making of decisions (
- adj. 一般民众不准进入审判室. are not allowed to enter the court room
- n. 三节联韵诗, 叙事曲, 三解韵格, 配乐民谣, 拟叙事乐曲, 钢琴叙事曲 ballade
- 下议院等内之)民众接待厅. large hall open to the public and used for interviews with Members of Parliament (
- adj. 不屈不挠的民权运动人士. an indefatigable campaigner for civil rights
- adj. 不忠实的仆人、臣民等. an unfaithful servant, subject, etc
- 不搞劳民伤财的“形象工程” refrain from building “vanity projects”that waste both money and manpower
- 不搞劳民伤财的“形象工程” refrain from building vanity projects that waste both money and manpower