| - v. 他们没完没了地批评把我给气坏了. with their constant criticism
- adj. 他因处理该问题无能而受到批评. criticized for his incompetent handling of the problem
- n. 他在全体下级同事面前受到总经理的批评, 感到很难堪. To his mortification, he was criticized by the managing director in front of all his junior colleagues
- adj. 他对批评毫无反应. He's insensitive to criticism
- n. 他批评以前的同事, 并非出於气愤而是为他惋惜. It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague
- n. 他批评得十分尖刻, 与会议中的友好气氛很不协调. His harsh criticism jarred with the friendly tone of the meeting
- adj. 他把批评他的人斥之为不敢面对事实的假善人. He dismissed his critics as pious do-gooders who were afraid to face the facts
- n. 他指责那些批评他的作品的人是对艺术一窍不通. He accused those who criticized his work of being philistines
- v. 他接受批评而不断进步. He thrives on criticism
- adj. 他料到自己的作品总归要受到批判, 所以总是以攻为守. He's always expecting criticism of his work, so he's always on the offensive
- n. 他极力为老板顶住外界的批评. He is trying to shelter his boss from criticism
- n. 他的作品因缺乏想像力而受到批评. His work was criticized for its poverty of imagination
- n. 他粗鲁无礼而未受到批评. His rudeness passed without comment, ie People ignored it
- 他逐一审查了各项建议才予以批准. He looked the proposals through before approving them
- vt. 代客买卖,批发,承包,欺骗 job
- n. 任凭某人遭受粗暴对待或批评而不予协助或辩解. Their wages are barely enough to keep the wolf from the door. 他们的工资勉强够维持生活的. a lone wolf => lone. a wolf in `sheep's clothing person who appears friendly or harmless but is really an enemy 披著羊皮的狼. throw sb to the `wolves leave sb to be roughly treated or criticized without trying to help or defend him