| - adj. 人是群居的動物. Man is a social animal
- n. 今晚我們在起居室生火吧. Let's light a fire in the living-room tonight
- vi. 從外國移來, 遷移, 移居入境, 移來 immigrate
- n. 從山上居高遠望, 日出景象蔚為奇觀. The sunrise seen from high in the mountains was a tremendous spectacle
- v. 從英國移居到澳大利亞尋找工作. Cf 參看 immigrate. emigrate from Britain to Australia to find work
- v. 從鄰居的窗戶可看到我傢的花園. Our garden is overlooked by our neighbours' windows, ie They can see into our garden from their windows
- n. 他以上帝自居(控製人與事). He likes to play God, ie behave as if he could control people and events
- n. 他們以前住在蘇格蘭, 後來移居南方了. They used to live in Scotland but they moved down south
- n. 他們决定在她的公寓裏同居. They've decided to shack up together in her flat
- 他們分居前婚姻早已破裂了. Their marriage was washed up long before they separated
- n. 他們在懸崖上居高臨下, 能看到來來往往的船. From their vantage-point on the cliff, they could watch the ships coming and going
- prep. 他們在毗鄰而居期間衹見過兩次面. They only met twice during the whole time they were neighbours
- adj. 他們婚後十年决定分居. After ten years of marriage they decided to separate
- 他們有意移居美國. They're thinking of moving to America
- adv. 他們現在分居了. They are now living separately
- 他們花言巧語哄得鄰居同意, 便把不喜歡的客人打發到他們那裏去了. They palmed their unwelcome guests off on the neighbours