| - v. 与否定式过去分词连用, 表示某动作未发生) You'd better go armed, ie carry a weapon. 你最好带上武器. 14 (used with a negative past participle to show that an action does not take place
- adv. 与非限定动词连用构成否定式) (used with non-finite vs to formthe negative
- 个人经济状况调查(以确定是否给予补助, 如失业救济). official inquiry into a person's wealth or income before support is given from public funds (eg unemployment benefit)
- n. 为遏止这类罪行, 监禁手段是否是上策? Is prison the best sanction against a crime like this?
- v. 买房子要先鉴定质量再决定购买与否. have a house surveyed before deciding to buy it
- n. 争论该国对那些岛是否有主权. disputing the country's title to the islands
- 交替否闸 alternative denial gate
- 人身保护状(要求将某人移送法院处理的令状, 尤指为调查有关当局将其拘禁是否合法). order requiring a person to be brought before a judge or into court, esp to investigate the right of the authorities to keep him in prison
- 仅用於否定句及疑问句, 或用於if及whether之後或与hardly、 scarcely、 no one等连用) (used only in negative sentences and questions, after if and whether or with hardly, scarcely, no one, etc
- v. 他一辞职引出了一个问题, 即我们目前是否需要有人代理领导职务. His resignation poses the question of whether we now need a deputy leader
- 他不知道他们是否得交定金. He wondered whether they need send a deposit
- n. 他临终是否曾蒙主感召?(尤指受到宽恕後行圣礼) Did he die in a state of grace? ie strengthened and inspired by God, esp after having been pardoned and given the Sacraments
- v. 他为人诚实无可否认. There's no gainsaying his honesty, ie We cannot deny that he is honest
- adj. 他以前从未做过这种工作, 我不知道他是否能(与其他雇员)配合好. He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in (with the other employees).
- n. 他们争论是否关闭工厂. They debated closing the factory
- adj. 他们是否已得到了应得的钱? Have they been paid the money due to them?