刚Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 刚会飞的幼鸟, 刚学飞的幼鸟, 羽毛初长的雏鸟, 无经验的人, 初出茅庐的人 fledgling
- n. 刚会飞的)幼鸟. young bird that is just able to fly (
- n. 刚体力学, 刚体力学, 地球静力学 geostatics
- 刚刚, 恰好 only just
- adj. 刚刚(将储备的某物)用尽 having just used all one's supplies of sth
- 刚到价 At- the-money
- 刚到家就... on arriving home
- pron. 刚到达的不是别人, 正是总统. The new arrival was none other than the President
- n. 刚吃完饭不宜游泳. It's unwise to swim on a full stomach, ie when one has just eaten a meal
- adv. 刚吊起离海底, 起锚 atrip
- 刚塑性 rigid plastic
- 刚塑性崩溃 rigid plastic collapse
- 刚塑性材料 rigid-plastic material
- 刚好, 恰到好处 to a turn
- n. 刚学会走路的孩子. child who has only recently learnt to walk
- adj. 刚孵出的, 羽毛未丰的, 矮胖的, 刚出壳的 squab