  •   交叉水平修正   cross level correction
  •   享受。。。的的保修   Bear a … year guarantee
  •   人們誤以為選語言課程較輕鬆.   Language courses are wrongly thought to be soft options
  • n.  人體修復(術).   replacement of a missing part of the body, eg after surgery, by an artificial one
  • n.  人孔, 檢孔(街道上設置的有蓋洞口, 人可進入檢下水道等)   hole in a street fitted with a lid, through which sb can enter a sewer, etc to inspect it
  • n.  人孔, 檢查孔, 探孔, 艙口, 升降口, 巷道側躲避洞, 出入孔, 出入下水道的孔口, 檢孔   manhole
  • adj.  人工培養的, 有教養的, 養殖的, 文雅的, 有養的, 講究的   cultured
  • v.  今年夏天我們又要飾廚房.   again this summer
  • vt.  仔細檢查, 檢, 翻, 拆, 追上, 解鬆繩索, 徹底檢查, 大, 趕上   overhaul
  •   他仍忙著做維修工作.   He is still at work on the restoration
  •   他們理爆裂的水管時, 關上了水門.   They've turned off the water while they mend a burst pipe
  • adj.  他們已將飯店裝了一番, 但飯菜並無改進.   They've tarted up the restaurant but the food hasn't improved
  • v.  他們把商店裝修一新.   They've given the shop a completely new look, ie redesigned it
  •   他們把這輛汽車徹底維了一遍, 整舊如新.   They gave the car the works and it looks like new
  •   他們自己的汽車正在理--這輛是租的.   Their own car is being mended this one is hired
  • adj.  他修理房子手很巧.   He's handy about the house