分Chinese English Phrase:
| - 葡萄糖分析仪 glucose analyzer
- n. 董事长明天动身去视察海外分支机构. The Director leaves tomorrow for a tour of overseas branches, ie to inspect them
- n. 葬礼, 追悼会, 出殡的行列, 不愉快的事, 完蛋, 垮台, 需要操心的事, 分内的事, 责任, 丧礼, 送丧行列, 不愉快的事, 困难, 出殡 funeral
- n. 蒂姆有该居住单位的部分产权. Tim is part-owner of the flat
- n. 蒙太奇(由许多部分组合而成的画面、 影片或音乐). picture, film or piece of music or writing made up of many separate items put together, esp in an interesting combination
- 蒲福风级(最初将风速划分为由 0-12 即由无风到飓风的等级) to 12 (hurricane)
- v. 蒸发, 失去水分, 消失 evaporate
- n. 蒸散, 土壤水分蒸发蒸腾损失总量 evapotranspiration
- 蒸汽分离器 vapor separator
- 蒸汽分离器 steam separator
- 蒸馏分析仪 distillation analyzer
- n. 蒸馏物, 蒸馏液, 馏出物, 馏分, 浓缩物, 精华 distillate
- 蓝色反射分光镜 blue-reflecting dichroic
- adj. 蔓延的, =srtaggling., 杂乱无章的, 散乱分布的, 脱离队伍的, 零乱四散的 straggly
- 蔬菜分期栽培 gradual planting of vegetable
- 薄层分布 thin spread