| - 集装箱出租公司 container leasing company
- 集装箱出租公司 container rental company
- adj. 雇主出租给雇工住的(房屋), 特约经销的(酒店) tied
- v. 雇主向工人提出增加工资的新建议. to the work-force
- 雇佣兵; 兵痞, 以从军求名利的人; (到军队里寻欢作乐的)冒险家; 由行伍出身积有军功而成为高级军官的人 soldier of fortune
- v. 雇请,出租 hire
- 雕刻出; 划出 carve out
- adj. 雨下得很大, 他仍不顾一切出发了. It was raining heavily but he set out undeterred
- v. 雨天外出不带伞会淋湿的. You'll get wet if you go out in the rain without an umbrella
- 雨水管出口 storm outfall
- n. 雨点打在铁皮屋顶上发出持续而有节奏的声音. the steady drumming of the rain on the tin roofs
- n. 雪貂(用以将兔从洞中逐出、 捕鼠等). Cf 参看 ermine, weasel. small animal of the weasel family, kept for driving rabbits from their burrows, killing rats, etc
- 零出入加法 addition, zero access
- 雷射输出稳定度 laser output stability
- v. 需做出某种努力或牺牲 require a certain effort or sacrifice
- adj. 需慎重对待的情况、 需慎重处理的问题、 需慎重做出的决定. a tricky situation, problem, decision