| - n. 镶有双层玻璃门窗的房子往往好出售. Double glazing is often a good selling-point for houses
- 长不出, 不发芽 miss plant
- 长不出, 不发芽 fall in plant
- 长及短隐静脉的结扎,分离和完全剥出-单侧 Ligation and division and complete stripping of long and short saphenous vein——unilateral
- 长及短隐静脉的结扎,分离和完全剥出-双侧 Ligation and division and complete stripping of long and short saphenous vein—— bilateral
- vt. 长得比...快, 革除或放弃, 过大而不适于, 较…长得大, 较…长得快, 出生, 长出, 年久丧失 outgrow
- 长或短隐静脉的结扎,分离和完全剥出-单侧 Ligation and division and complete stripping of long or short saphenous vein——Unilateral
- 长或短隐静脉的结扎,分离和完全剥出-双侧 Ligation and division and complete stripping of long or short saphenous vein —— bilateral
- vi. 长牙, 出乳牙, 生牙, (婴儿)生牙, 出牙, 长牙齿 teethe
- n. 长笛, 横笛, 长笛音拴, 笛状物, 凹槽, 沟槽, 出屑槽, 海军运输船, 槽形船, 笛 flute
- n. 长而尖的叶或茎(直接从地面生出的, 如草或芦荀) growing directly out of the ground
- n. 长而高音的哭声或叫声(尤指狗或儿童发出的). long high-pitched complaining cry, esp one made by a dog or child
- n. 门、 墙、 天花板等的)镶板, 嵌板(通常为矩形, 高出或低於周围部分) separate, usu rectangular, part of the surface of a door, wall, ceiling, etc, usu raised above or sunk below the surrounding area (
- v. 闪亮,发出电光,用电气烧灼 fulgurate
- v. 闪光,发出光彩 sheen
- v. 闪烁,闪光,使拿出朝气 spark