| - 单象彩色照相机 one-shot color camera
- 单面磨毛色织棉涤沦布 trueran yarn-dyed single side raised gingham
- 单面色纸 one-side colored paper
- 单面色薄皮纸 one-side coloured cover paper
- 单面花色针织物 single fancy knitted fabric
- n. 南美栗鼠, 栗鼠呢, 珠皮呢, 银灰色, (南美)栗鼠, 栗鼠毛皮 chinchilla
- 南非的)有色人种旅行法. any of a group of laws restricting the movement of non-Whites and requiring them to carry identification at all times (
- n. 南非的)有色人种身分证明书. official document giving details of one's race, residence and employment, which must be carried at all times by non-Whites (
- n. 南非)有色人种居住的镇或郊区. town or suburb designated for use by non-whites (
- 博尔奇原色平纹衬衫料 bolche
- 卡兰克伦斯双色条格布 carranclanes
- adj. 卡其布做的, 土黄色的, 黄褐色的, 卡其布的, 黄褐色 khaki
- 卡其色釉 khaki glaze
- 卡拉西尔特原液染色的醋酯长丝 Color-sealed
- 卡曾斯颜色系统 Cousins color system
- 卡西欧液晶显示袖珍彩色电视 Casio LCD pocket color television