  • n.  那条狗嗅远处有兔子.   The dog smelt the rabbit a long way off
  • v.  那条狗在花园里刨一根骨头.   The dog scratched up a bone in the garden
  • n.  那汽车开动时发挂挡的 光当声(因操纵技术不佳所致). =>illus at App   The car started with a crashing of gears, ie noise made by operating them badly.
  • n.  那狗嗅有老鼠的气味.   The dog scented a rat
  • n.  那狗狺狺狂吠, 露了尖牙.   The dog growled and showed its fangs
  • v.  那狗突然发的吠叫声   the sudden snarl of the dog
  • v.  那男孩怯生生地走过老师身边, 然後便一溜烟跑门外. We steal, in, out, etc in great secrecy 偷偷地走动用steal in、 out、 etc   The boy sidled past the teacher and then ran out of the door.
  • n.  那种想法不久就捅楼子了.   The idea soon ran into trouble
  • n.  那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤市场.   The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect
  • adj.  那老汉显一副垂头丧气的潦倒相.   The old man seemed dejected and spiritless
  • n.  那船发了无线电求救信号).   The ship sent a radio message asking for help
  • n.  那艘船驶浓雾, 依稀可见.   The ship came into sight out of the fog
  • n.  那节目演时场场爆满.   The show played to packed houses, ie large audiences
  • v.  那花瓶因釉面有残已廉价售.   The vase was sold cheaply because of a fault in the glaze
  • adj.  那辆汽车撞在树上发让人难受的撞击声.   The car hit the tree with a sickening crash
  • n.  那部小说的平装本什麽时候版?   When is the novel coming out in paperback?