| - n. 那件新的女長服襢露出(她)大部分乳溝! cleavage!
- 那價格高得出奇! That is a preposterously high price
- n. 那軍官厲聲發出命令. The officer rapped out the orders
- 那農民 地時挖出一個人類的頭顱骨. The farmer turned up a human skull while ploughing the field
- 那出戲, 一度似乎相當時新, 如今已成明日黃花. The play, which once seemed so modern, has become a period piece
- n. 那出戲劇純屬政治宣傳. The play is sheer political propaganda
- v. 那出戲演了很久[演了半年]. a run of six months
- n. 那出戲給了那位女演員一個大好機會一展才華. The play was an excellent vehicle for the actress's talents
- adj. 那出戲缺少的是可使之畫竜點睛的生氣. The vital spark that would have brought the play to life was missing
- v. 那出戲被貶斥的評論扼殺了. The play was killed by bad reviews
- int. 那出新的歌舞喜劇在百老匯衆口交贊. The new musical wowed them on Broadway
- v. 那衹貓朝著狗發出呼呼聲. The cat spat at the dog
- 那衹船劃出到了河中央. The boat pulled out into the middle of the river
- n. 那衹鳥飛了過去, 翅膀發出呼呼的聲音. The bird flew past, its wings whirring
- v. 那臺陳舊的發動機抖動著發出摩擦的聲音. The old engine ground and shuddered
- n. 那四架飛機昨天各出動兩次. The four planes each made two sorties yesterday