  • adj.  逼近的, 即将发生的, 迫切的, 危急的, 即将临头的, 朝前突的, 即将来临的   imminent
  •   遁世, 成为隐士; 出家   forsake the world
  •   道德重整运动(是一种以宗教形式现的国际性社会政治运动, 约在1921年发生于牛津大学)   Oxford Group
  • n.  遭到被人赶似的对待.   be treated as an outcast
  • adj.  遭背信弃义的盟友卖.   betrayed by perfidious allies
  • n.  遭遇到很多不幸後, 又遇到类似不幸时, 说此成语).   (said by sb who has had an unfortunate experience and regards it as like many similar experiences he has had in the past
  • v.  避开诱惑、 避免风头、 躲避别人   shun temptation, publicity, other people
  •   避难出口高逃生缓机   Emergency Exit & Escape Sling
  • n.  那一决定是我的前任作的.   The decision was made by my predecessor
  • v.  那一组用和声演唱得很色.   That group harmonizes well
  • n.  那东西砰的一声就来了.   It came out pop
  • n.  那两名拳击手彼此都以重拳击.   The boxers gave each other a terrific pummelling
  • n.  那个人在任何地方都能搜寻新闻.   That man can nose out a news story anywhere
  • v.  那个冠军在最後的50码使全部力气争取胜利.   The champion drew on his reserve strength to win in the last 50 yards
  • adj.  那个小孩很容易事儿.   The childis rather `accident-prone
  • v.  那个差错使他付了沉重的代价   he lost the game because of it.