  • n.  商行与美国一家公司有关系.   The firm has ties with an American corporation
  • v.  商行於八月份公布会计帐目.   The firm publishes its accounts in August
  • n.  团体的成员之间有牢固的友情.   There were strong ties of friendship between the members of the society
  • n.  该团正接受检阅.   The regiment is on parade
  • n.  团队的座右铭是`誓死争取荣誉'.   The regiment's motto was `Death or Glory'.
  • v.  国一些地方仍有人忠於前国王.   Loyalty to the former king still persists in parts of the country
  • n.  该国出口热带水果.   The country exports tropical fruit(s).
  • n.  国向新技术时代的大飞跃.   the country's great jump forward to a new technological era
  • n.  国因国王懦弱而长期混乱不治.   The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king
  • n.  国在前几个世纪是海上强国.   The country was a great naval power in past centuries, ie had great international influence because it had a large navy
  • v.  国对汽车工业严加保护, 外国汽车甚为罕见.   The country's car industry is so strongly protected that foreign cars are rarely seen there
  • adj.  该国局势危殆.   The state of the country is desperate
  • n.  该国用英语教学.   In this country English is the medium of instruction, ie all subjects are taught in English
  • n.  国的宪法提供了他国效法的模式.   The nation's constitution provided a model that other countries followed
  • n.  国的经济已处於崩溃的边缘.   The country's economy was on the edge of the precipice, ie in danger of collapsing
  • adj.  国的那一地区人口稀少.   The population is thin in this part of the country