| - 立契约人 contractor
- n. 立契约的人, 承包商, 立约人, 承包人[商], 收缩肌, 收敛部分, 压力机, 压缩机, 庄家, 梦家, 承造者, 承包者, 立约者, 承建者, 订约人, 承包人 contractor
- 立约, 订合同 make treaty
- n. 立约承诺或同意(某事物) under the terms of a covenant
- 符合国际海上防止油污染公约证书 cermet Conforming to International Convention for Prevention of Pollution of Sea by Oil
- n. 第一段圣经选自《约翰福音》. The first lesson is taken from St John's Gospel
- adj. 签名的, 签署的, 签约的 signatory
- n. 签约)应聘或受雇, 雇用或聘请(某人)(如足球队员) , eg as a footballer, by signing a contract (
- n. 签署者, 捐献者, 订户, 捐助人, 预约者, 订购者, 签名人, 用户, 捐助者, 捐款人, 订购人 subscriber
- n. 签署者, 签约国, 签约者, 签名人, 签字者 signatory
- v. 简就要嫁给约翰了. Jane is going to marry John
- 简约频率 reduced frequency
- n. 箴言》(《圣经·旧约》中的一卷书). the Book of Proverbs, ie one of the books of the Old Testament containing the proverbs of Solomon 《
- n. 箴言篇, (《旧约全书》中的)箴言 proverbs
- 粗放/集约经营 extensive/intensive operation
- 粗放与集约地租 Extensive and Intensive Rent