  • adj.  她一辈子从来有实实在在地(努力而认真地)干过一天活儿.   in her life
  •   她三天没睡觉了.   She went without sleep for three days
  •   她上周有收到任何信件.   She didn't have any letters last week
  • adj.  她今天没上班   she's on the sick-list
  • v.  她从来就注定要当教师.   She was never meant to be a teacher
  • n.  她从发过脾气, 这足以说明她多有耐性.   It says a lot for her that she never lost her temper, ie It shows how patient she is
  • n.  她偶然说出她还交税呢.   She let slip that she had not paid her tax
  • v.  她决定接受这一提议, 因为有更好一些的.   She decided to accept the offer for want of anything better
  • adv.  她准备好了没有?   Is she ready or not?
  • adj.  她匆忙去上班连床都铺好.   She rushed off to work leaving her bed unmade
  •   她可能还没有告诉他.   She may not have told him yet
  • adj.  她在这项研究中的贡献大都有获得承认.   Her contribution to the research went largely unacknowledged
  •   她在那儿, 有趣的是她丈夫却在那里.   She was there but her husband, interestingly, wasn't
  • v.  她好像精神恍惚, 认出我们来.   Her mind seemed to be wandering and she didn't recognize us
  • v.  她完全没谈到她丈夫.   She didn't speak of her husband at all
  • n.  她对你肯定没有恶意.   She certainly bears you no malice